blushing peach drawing

Out of Character Info

• I do not know everything there is to know about lore! Be nice about telling me if something is not possible or lore-friendly!
• I am open to almost any storyline, feel free to pitch yours to me!
• I am open to giving characters romantic relationships, but...
• No ERP, please don't try to change my mind.
• Please read through all of the given information on a character if you want to rp with them. I didn't write all this for no reason!

Fionna Rhun


The Mother

•Strengths: Nurturing, compassionate, persistent
•Flaws: Stubborn, self-neglect, letting go of caretaking
Age: 26
Height: 6'3" / 1.9 m.
Clan: Veena
Birthdate: 3/20
Sign: Menphina
Fionna is the daughter of Nenri, a Viera who left her tribe for reasons currently unknown. Nenri was in the early stages of pregnancy when she left, only to find out Fionna was on the way sometime after settling in the nation of Gridania. Fionna was raised by her mother alone and was heavily influenced by the nature revering citizens around her. A very shy and soft-spoken person, Fionna feels very far removed from her fierce Viera heritage.

Y’jaya Jhin


The Huntress

•Strengths: Courageous, self-reliant, goal-oriented
•Flaws: Tunnel vision, emotionally unavailable, stubborn
Age: 24
Height: 4'11" / 1.5 m.
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Birthdate: 6/21
Sign: Azemya
Relationship: Single
Orientations: Unknown
Jobs: Armorer, Blacksmith, Swordswoman
A Seeker girl born in the Forgotten Springs, Y'jaya was the tenacious and stubborn second born of Y'jhin Nunh and R'mashka Aba. When she was still young, her mother and older sibling moved to Ul’dah to seek better treatment for her sibling’s illness. Treatment was not cheap, and Y’jaya began running errands and messages for a rough and grumpy blacksmith in the city after a few weeks of persistent child-like queries. As she grew up she learned more about the art of smithing and armoring, learning about the types of people who wielded her tutor’s weapons and donned her armor. In her late teens Y’jaya finished her apprenticeship and worked for several years as a fully fledged blacksmith and armorer. During this time all seemed well until her sibling fell into remission. Now older and not too much wiser, Y’jaya spent the next several years fighting in the Ul’dah coliseum circuit to pay for the necessary treatments. Now she wanders, crafting and selling her skills and items as necessary, looking to find the next step of her journey.

Lunalu Luna


The Queen

•Strengths: Loyal, leadership, independent
•Flaws: Jealous, vindictive, prone to loneliness
Age: 23
Height: 2'9" / 0.84 m.
Clan: Duneswalker
Birthdate: 12/16
Sign: Lymlaen
Husband: Buburu Buru
The only child, an heiress to one of the mid-level fabric and fine clothing distributors in Ul'dah, Lunalu knows fashion and the finer things in life quite well. She was granted a high level of education and taught to be a proper upper-class woman her whole life. But she wanted more, she wanted to fulfill her passions and not follow the path set for her.

Kumiko Fujiwara


The Maiden

•Strengths: Empathetic, creative, receptive
•Flaws: Emotionally co-dependent, shy, lack of autonomy
Voice Claim: [English] Mikan Tsumiki - Danganronpa 2

Arielle Nicoletta


The Sage

•Strengths: Intelligence, worldliness, strategist
•Flaws: Frigid, emotionally unavailable, competitive

Sarantsatsral Bayaqud


The Lover

•Strengths: Independent, creative, passionate
•Flaws: Unfocused, vain, fragile

Adelina Dalvag


The Mystic

•Strengths: Confident, creative, deep inner-peace
•Flaws: Deep introversion, social isolation, emotionally detached